Search Results: "Junichi Uekawa"

8 July 2022

Junichi Uekawa: Created a HTML app to generate my weekly notes.

Created a HTML app to generate my weekly notes. For writing TODO items and log of what I did each hour. I print this out every week and write notes on it, mostly to help myself remember what I was doing at that time. I don't seem to have good short term memory and this helps me focus, at least tells me when I am not. I rewrote this in SVG instead of a drawing app because I didn't feel like changing anything in that drawing app considering there's lots of repetition. However, I'm not sure if this is any better. I don't know how not to print the second empty page either.

2 July 2022

Junichi Uekawa: Watching my raspberry pi update I noticed I have nodejs 12 in them.

Watching my raspberry pi update I noticed I have nodejs 12 in them. Most systems I work on have nodejs 16 installed. I don't remember what changed ...

11 June 2022

Junichi Uekawa: What's in sid?

What's in sid? I wanted to check what version of libc was used in current Debian sid. I am lazy and I used podman to check. However I noticed that apt update is very slow for me, 20kB/s. Wondering if something is wrong.

4 June 2022

Junichi Uekawa: June came.

June came. I am still playing with rust these days. Learning more things every day.

30 April 2022

Junichi Uekawa: Already May.

Already May. I've been writing some code in rust and a bit of javascript. But real life is too busy.

1 April 2022

Junichi Uekawa: I am more used to Rust.

I am more used to Rust. I can do simple string processing faster in Rust than say Python. It has enough things to make it more pleasant to work with than C++.

28 February 2022

Junichi Uekawa: The World is changing.

The World is changing. People are not satisfied with COVID-19.

13 February 2022

Junichi Uekawa: Troubleshooting network issues.

Troubleshooting network issues. Completely forgot how to use dig command.

1 February 2022

Junichi Uekawa: Already February.

Already February. Surprising. I've been practicing Rust every day and I am getting more comfortable with Rust the language now.

1 January 2022

Junichi Uekawa: Welcome to 2022.

Welcome to 2022. Hopefully I will be writing more code this year.

31 December 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Plot something like github graph from my local repos.

Plot something like github graph from my local repos. Github is nice but only shows what I have published on github. I wanted to see how much activiity I had from my coding. My personal repositories have more commits in 2021 than 2019, or 2020. 2019 activities were mostly C++. 2020 activities were mostly on golang and js. 2021 activities showing signs of rust.

11 December 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Updated my raspberry pi to bullseye and no longer connects to network.

Updated my raspberry pi to bullseye and no longer connects to network. Seems like eth0 got renamed. probably this thing that I was supposed to have migrated away from. Not entirely sure how to recover from this now.

1 December 2021

Junichi Uekawa: December.

December. The world is turbulent and I am still worried where we are going.

21 November 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Tax related software.

Tax related software. Tax related work in Japan is defined to be exclusive for licensed Tax Accountants. I wondered what it means for Tax related software and I was uncomfortable what it means to make one, or even if was elibible for a fine. I've looked up and the national tax agency had a FAQ entry. 2 which stated that making and selling software for tax filing is allowed for non-Tax Accountants. So if they say so, maybe it's safe for me to write and distribute tax related software. One caveat is that tax related software is only applicable in individual countries but since it's something I care about and use every year, it's probably ok.

14 November 2021

Junichi Uekawa: I tried making a graph of deductions for my tax return.

I tried making a graph of deductions for my tax return. Mostly because I was curious how the curve looks like when income increases. It's nice that I get plotly to plot the graph in milliseconds. But the amount of required input makes it really hard to get right and I think something is still off. graph of income tax. It was interesting that it doesn't look like a curve, mostly a straight line.

10 November 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Made a graph for furusato nozei limits.

Made a graph for furusato nozei limits. I wanted a prettier graph for soumusho page. and made one with However I realized that the input is taxable income after deductions, which is not readily available, and those tables that make you input the number of family members make sense.

1 November 2021

Junichi Uekawa: November.

November. Things are relatively stable. Feeling the light beyond the tunnel that is COVID.

3 October 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Using podman for most of my local development environment.

Using podman for most of my local development environment. For my personal/upstream development I started using podman instead of lxc and pbuilder and other toolings. Most projects provide reasonable docker images (such as rust) and I am happier keeping my environment as a whole stable while I can iterate. I have a Dockerfile for the development environment like this:

1 October 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Garbage collecting with podman system prune.

Garbage collecting with podman system prune. Tells me it freed 20GB when it seems to have freed 4GB. Wondering where that discrepancy comes from.

25 September 2021

Junichi Uekawa: Wrote a HTML ping-like something.

Wrote a HTML ping-like something. Uses fetch to fetch a page and measures time until 404 returns to js. Here's my http ping. The challenge was writing code to calculate standard deviation in multiple languages and making sure it matched, d'oh.

